business, service & Product design


Creating a planet-centric future.


Planet Centric Design is a methodology for making products, services and ways of working that enhance real social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Our experience has shown us that creating true planetary value means going beyond superficial initiatives, and embodying sustainability in every aspect of our businesses, from the values that shape us down to the smallest details of how we operate.

We’ve thought carefully about how new thinking can bring us closer to achieving a vision that takes into account today’s realities, helping organizations bring sustainability to life in a real and tangible way whilst also paying the bills, and making a profit. Look below to see how it fits to your needs.



Our unique methodology is based on three strategic approaches to innovation:



A systems view of your organization allows you to zoom out from individual products and users to assess the wider networks and cycles in which they participate. Assessing your products from a broader, more circular perspective allows you to explore opportunities to create positive impacts at each stage of their life cycle - from design to production, distribution, disposal and reuse.



This approach identifies ways for your organization to act as an enabler of sustainable lifestyles and generate behavior change at scale. This could be within your organization itself, or more broadly, in the community through their interaction with the products and services you create.



This allows you to understand, envision and take responsibility for the long-term impact of your business on the world. This will allow you to apply resilience thinking, future-proofing your business by challenging your assumptions and preparing for future environments.

One of the worlds biggest challenges is tendency to look inward, not outward to not expand our view. We get stuck in the small things, become disconnected from reality and miss the opportunities that are out there. Zooming in and out helps us to do …
How does it work?

Planet-Centricity at the Center

At Impossible, we bring unique value by putting planetary-value and centricity at the center of the design process.  While still keeping customer satisfaction and economic prosperity central to the design process, we also ensure fit for planet and society, so that your business is driven by innovation that will make you more competitive, more efficient, and better able to meet the changing behaviors of consumers and the increasingly constrained regulatory environment. Our startup mindset and planetary approach are ideal to help accelerate your business and help guide change.


An Innovative Design Process, Design Palette & Artificial Intelligence

At Impossible, we use existing best-in-class design methodologies at each step of the process, but fold in our planet-centric design expertise to ensure that at each phase, planet-centricity is at the center of the design process. The end result is not only a powerful and profitable business, service or product, but a business, service or product is planet- and society-fit.


The Planet-Centric Design Process

Taking the best of product design methods, we blend them together with a framework of planet-centricity that helps us to do multi-stakeholder design quickly and efficiently, ensuring we are as thorough about planet- and society-fit, as we are about customer and profitability fit.

The Use of Artificial Intelligence—Synthetic Users

Impossible also speeds up the design process, and makes research more robust by using artificial intelligence to create synthetic users . As a result, as part of the design process, Impossible can test ideas or product swith AI participants and take decisions with confidence.

The Planet-Centric Design Palette

The Planet-Centric Design Palette is our means for ensuring we are discovering, strategizing, designing, and implementing and launching taking into account the means that will ensure planetary-value, and future competitiveness.